My Week-8 at JADU a Full Stack Development Program.

Muhammad Haseeb Farooq khan
3 min readApr 4, 2021


March 29, 2021 — April 2, 2021

A week full of REACT.JS

Technical Classes of Week-8

March 29, 2021

Monday’s session, we learned to make a simple to-do app using React.js. We learned about how this to-do app can be made by using hooks which is a very popular concept in React.js then we learned what are hooks and how we can update states in the DOM (Document Object Model) using React hooks.

Other than this session I also learned about the difference between states and props. we can use states for local functionality within a component while props are used between components to send or receive data and functionalities.

I also learned about the Embedding Expressions,​ Setting Attributes,​ Rendering Classes Dynamically,​ Rendering Lists,​ Conditional Rendering,​ Handling Events,​ Binding Event Handlers, Updating the State, What Happens When State Changes,​ Passing Event Arguments,​ Composing Components,​ Passing Data to Components, Passing Children, Debugging React Apps, Props vs State, ​ Raising and Handling Events, ​ Updating the State, ​ Single Source of Truth, ​ Removing the Local State, ​ Multiple Components in Sync,​ Lifting the State Up,​ Stateless Functional Components,​ Destructuring Arguments, Lifecycle Hooks, Mounting Phase, Updating Phase, Unmounting Phase.

these above basic concepts help me a lot to get a firm grip on REACT.JS.

April 2, 2021

Friday’s session, we learned about React Hooks and one of its most used is useCase.

we have three types of hooks or lifecycle hooks, Mount, Update, and Unmount.

Mount is what when a component JSX element is created, rendered, and inserted into DOM and during this, the order of calling of these methods is Constructor(), Render(), componentDidMount().

Update is what when component JSX element is updated or changed by using props or local state and during this, the order of calling of these methods is Render(), componentDidUpdate().

Unmount is what when component JSX element is removed or deleted from DOM, during this, there is only one method and that is componentWillMount().

We also learned about Asynchronous JavaScript. since JavaScript is a single-threaded programming language which means only one thing can happen at a time. So then here asynchronous JavaScript comes into play. Using asynchronous JavaScript (such as callbacks, promises, and async/await), you can perform long network requests without blocking the main thread.

Non-technical Class of Week-8

March 30, 2021

Tuesday’s session was held by a special guest Wahib Ul Haq who works in Huawei company.

This session was about Soft Skills and Personal Branding. He told us that soft skills are also the most important part along with technical skills to work in the industry. Because soft skills make you fit for every industry environment so your abilities and skills can sync with others who are working with you so you can do more effectively and efficiently.

You can find me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and GitHub. If you liked my article, Please do clap, Thanks 👍



Muhammad Haseeb Farooq khan
Muhammad Haseeb Farooq khan

Written by Muhammad Haseeb Farooq khan

Learning MERN Stack, Computer Scientist | Fellow at JADU Full Stack Development Program

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