My Week-7 at JADU a Full Stack Development Program.
March 22, 2021 — March 26, 2021
Yes, the wait is over as the most awaited REACT.JS is finally started.
This week we have learned related to Github collaboration and React.js essentials.
Technical Classes of Week-7
March 22, 2021
Monday’s session, we covered how to use Github in collaboration. In this session, we learned how to use private and local repositories and creating of these repositories at GitHub, Then we have learned how to contribute to open-source projects using forks in the repository and then making pull requests. We also learned how to work in the private repositories with others by sending invitation links and the most important how to use branches in repositories.
March 26, 2021
Friday’s session, we covered the intro and basics of React.js essential part. React.js is a JavaScript library created by Facebook. It is a User Interface (UI) library. It is a tool for building UI components.
React.js is a very famous and popular library for JavaScript. Its most useful thing is that of reusability of code and it is also very flexible.
In the session, we start a react app by using the cmd command then open it in Vscode and then see the structure of the folder of the project.
Then we learned how to use function-based and class-based approaches to write our code. Mostly function-based approaches are used because it is faster as its syntax is easy with less code as compared to class-based approaches.
We also learned how to use components in code and how to export and import these components in codes in the required manner.
Then we learned to use npm which is a package manager which includes the codes with predefined libraries. we created a react default project using this npm package manager.
Non-technical Class of Week-7
March 23, 2021
Tuesday’s session was held by a special guest Sidra Riaz. she is an ASP (Authorised Sales Partner) at Facebook.
she demonstrates to us that how to prepare and self-motivate us to get our goals. First, she told us that we have to set our goals for the next 5 years, and then we have to do it for them step by step by empowering our skills and learn related to what we set our goals. The key is our vision and focuses in order to achieve our goals.
This session was exciting as well as we also do hands-on exercises of writing our 5 years goals and then share them with others. Then we also write our main goal to achieve and then we write how to achieve this goal. we share it with each other so others can get an idea and help by our ambitions and suggestions.
You can find me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and GitHub. If you liked my article, Please do clap, Thanks 👍